About Us
At Peninsula Denture Clinic, our slogan is “Excellence with a Smile!” We provide dentures services directly to the public without the need for referrals from other professionals.
Many denture wearers have dentures that might look ok, but don’t allow them to chew well. Being able to chew is more important than looks, because your health is based upon what you can eat! At Peninsula denture clinic we focus on both.
All of the dentures we process are “precision dentures”, a higher standard of workmanship requiring many extra steps, including a semi-adjustable articulator and face-bow to simulate chewing movements of your teeth, and communication with patients. Derrick does at least 2 try-ins (not a common practice with denturists) to verify that the patient and he are satisfied with the work and the look, prior to going to the finishing stage.
At Peninsula Denture Clinic you won’t feel like you are being rushed out for the next booked patient. Our philosophy is that his dentures are made without shortcuts. Every patient has an in-depth discussion with the denturist regarding expectations, and the process on whether those expectations are realistic as a result of diagnosing the condition of teeth and gums. Every patient in the past has, and in the future, will receive the best work we can provide!
Derrick Parisien, Registered Denturist
Derrick accumulated invaluable experience at three esteemed denture clinics. From 2019 to 2021, he worked with Markus Fisher, a well-regarded denturist and part-time teacher at Vancouver Community College, specializing in precision dentures. In 2021, Derrick furthered his expertise under the mentorship of renowned denturist Darren Sailor/Colin Hardy. He also worked with Robin Postings Denture Clinic in Victoria and Sidney, where he efficiently manages a high client volume while maintaining top-quality work.
Mr. Parisien takes the time to educate his patients, and discusses what may work for them in their particular case, especially if the previous denture they are wearing is not to their satisfaction and not working. Imagine, someone in a profession who wants to spend the time with you to ensure your satisfaction, rather than often not being given little or any personal attention!
What makes Derrick’s product and service stand out is that he gives the patient a personalized experience designed specifically for the patient’s mouth. He addresses issues and concerns and has an open dialogue to communicate with the patient’s needs and expectations. This ensures a smooth process and a precise denture.

Our Mission
Out mission is to exceed your expectations by providing exceptional denture care through communication, consultation, and education, and in doing so build your trust and earn your referrals.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide our patients with a denture experience that will promote a lifelong relationship built on trust, confidence, quality of work, and exceptional patient care.

Our Values
We treat each patient with empathy, respect, and kindness. We prioritize our patients’ well-being, focusing on their comfort, satisfaction, and unique needs.
Our Office Is Ready To Help You.
Our highly trained staff participates in ongoing education and we’re self-governed under the authority of our college. Peninsula Denture Clinic Ltd. is a member of the Denturists Association of BC, Denturist Association of Canada, and College of Denturists of BC.
Peninsula Denture Clinic was opened by Robert Knight in 1997. After many years of serving the Sidney and Victoria residents, decided it was time to retire. In October of 2023 Derrick Parisien purchased the Sidney Clinic from Robert and is continuing to serve the Sidney residents. Peninsula Denture Clinic will maintain at the highest level of integrity and confidentiality. We use only top-grade materials and produce custom tailor made dentures.
Our professional, knowledgeable and friendly staff understands the emphasis we place on being customer-focused. We stand by our work, and vow to make it right. We don’t smile until you do!

Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Take the first step towards your confident smile. Schedule a consultation with Peninsula Denture Clinic and discover personalized denture solutions tailored just for you!